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Wuxi (Autumn) Taihu machine tool exhibition successfully concluded


In September 28th, the thirty-first Wuxi Taihu International Machine Tool Exhibition was successfully concluded in Wuxi Taihu International Expo center. During the exhibition of torrential rain in Wuxi, many local people love but difficult to stop the water overflows golden hill, on Wuxi Taihu machine tool exhibition. The audience was up to 50000 passengers!

Wuxi is currently actively docking "Chinese manufacturing 2025" and "Internet plus" action plan, adhere to the intelligent and green, high-end services, to lead, to create new heights of modern industrial development. To this end, the exhibition invited nearly five hundred enterprises to participate in the exhibition area of nearly 30000 square meters.

As the only one in Wuxi held 30 consecutive years of large-scale industrial equipment exhibition, this year is promoted as a comprehensive industry exhibition, divided into: laser cutting, machine tool, spring equipment and packaging technology exhibition of four, contains many aspects of machine equipment, inspection and measuring equipment, tool accessories, forging machinery, mold manufacturing, packaging etc.. At the same time, gathered a major brand made in South Korea SamSung, Shandong Weida and other domestic and foreign equipment, appeared together in Wuxi, a city in the Yangtze River Delta and the surrounding areas to attract industry attention and participation.

This year, Wuxi Taihu international packaging technology exhibition zone, together with the Hangzhou Wing Chong, Hebei, Hebei star jointly interpretation of a "interconnected system to promote intelligent production" revolution.

Wuxi is the birthplace of modern national industry and Commerce China, and Chinese township industrial birthplace, the equipment manufacturing industry is the important industry in recent years, is committed to creating innovative and intelligent equipment manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River delta. The application of industrial scene a cutting-edge technology, and a factory production is closely related to the audience, the most amazing and exciting new products! As focusing on cultivating Wuxi industry exhibition, the next exhibition will be held March 2018 28-31, held a grand, welcome the masses of citizens and businesses to come to the show.
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